If it's Blog-worthy...you'll find it here!
How MentoringU came to be
I realized this morning that I had spent months working out the details of how Mentoring Moms would morph into MentoringU and how I would continue to follow my passion of inspiring entrepreneurs and lending support to moms looking to create a lifestyle based business....
Goal Planning for EntrepreDOers
Ever wondered what all the fuss is about coaching? There are life coaches, business coaches, personal wellness coaches, the list goes on and on. Here at Mentoring Mompreneurs we obviously thinking coaching and mentoring are important...we've built a whole business...
What a Landing Page is and Why Entrepreneurs Should Use them
Landing pages are entire pages devoted to driving a specific action. In fact, you may already have one on your website so be sure to look! The idea is to capture visitors information so you can continue the conversation with them and promote your business. Have you...
Create a Consistent Brand for Your Small Business!
There are so many buzz words floating around the entrepreneur atmosphere...startup, tech, early adopter, brander...you name it! We feel the need to do it all! The question is, where do we start? Next month we are launching the Small Business Startup Challenge! It's a...
MentoringU’s 10 Must Read Tips for Entreprenuers
Entrepreneurship - it's the dream for more and more people these days. We live in a world that continues to devalue the personal approach to business. It's all about the sale and the profits, with little regard to loyalty and longevity. It's a weird system we've...
MentoringU Skills Lab offers E-Learning for Entrepreneurs
I am so excited to debut the MentoringU Skills Lab!I'm sitting here in front of the Christmas tree reflecting on all that 2015 has brought me. It's been a fast and furious year as Mentoring Mompreneurs and MentoringU grew and then merged into the launching pad for my...
Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Sed posuere consectetur est...